Is Rapid Weight Loss Dangerous?

A man struggling with weight
Rapid weight loss is an attractive idea for most people who want to lose weight. In fact, wouldn’t it be wonderful if the excess weight could just magically disappear in a heartbeat? We could just show up in front of friends the next day, and they wouldn’t recognize us. Wouldn’t that be great?

But at the same time we are constantly hearing that it can be dangerous to lose weight too fast. But, is it really dangerous?

The dangers of losing weight fast depend on the person, and on how they lose weight. As long as the person is getting the needed nourishment, losing weight fast is not going to be harmful.

But it is quite hard to manage getting in the nourishment one needs without an intake of at least 1000 calories. As a general idea, women should not go any lower than 1000 calories per day, and men should not aim any lower than 1400.
A good plan to lose weight

Most people will experience rapid weight loss at this level. And, if a person is heavier or taller than the average person, they would lose weight even if they eat more than that. In fact, most people should eat more than that.

Another question is what is meant by rapid weight loss. Generally we are told that it is okay to lose 1-2 pounds a week. It is believed that losing more can lead to problems. But a lot depends on how heavy you were in the beginning. If one was weighing around 300 pounds, there would be nothing wrong in losing up to 5 pounds in the initial stages. Men, especially, lose weight faster than women.
the woman who lose weight rapidly

Certainly, losing weight slowly makes it more possible to keep the weight off. Most people can only stay on harsh diets for short periods of time. Usually that type of diet does not satisfy our nutritional needs. And by the time one stops, binges often take over.

Eating disorders such as anorexia are common in young people that lose weight too fast. This usually involves a person having an unrealistic body image (they believe that they are fatter than they really are). Some young people even do that to have control over their life and body. The causes of anorexia are complex but it is something to watch out for, especially if you find that you are becoming obsessed with eating as little as possible.

There are also some other health risks involved in very rapid weight loss. The body may go into a form of shock. People who lose weight too rapidly may develop gallstones and also they might develop possible heart problems caused by the shock to the system.

And of course, if your rapid weight loss is not voluntary, you should definitely consult your doctor. You should see your doctor as soon as possible if you are experiencing rapid weight loss without dieting.


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